What About Design?

What About Design?

Designers and developers can exist on opposite sides of the fence, perhaps even diversely situated in the north or south poles. Perhaps that’s a little extreme. Either way, developers and designers have very different roles. To simplify, designers care about athletics, interface features, and UI/UX. The really good ones also care about brand development. Developers care about what makes it all tick or the behind-the-scenes intricacies. They make things work, typically through code.

There’s a myriad of reasons why the divide is so extreme. Each has a unique methodology for solving problems. Many designers have great imaginations. That’s why we love them. But what designers may not realize is that those grand design ideas require coding. That’s where things can blow up!

How to mitigate this inevitable disconnect? Bring designers and developers together early on. Streamline their communication. Tools like Slack and Trello can help. Weave the designers and developers together knowing they have very diverse ways of looking at the solution.  Help designers and developers understand what’s involved with each others process. Exchange info on nuances and trends. Keep communication channels open.

Ultimately, it starts with gathering and articulating very clear stakeholder requirements. Next, it’s important that together the design and development teams provide clear communications regarding timelines and end product. Proactively manage expectations. We all know scope creep is, well, creepy. Teamwork is key.

Design thinking, marketing, programming