Where Innovation Meets Execution

Where Innovation Meets Execution

That new idea has sparked your imagination. A new product, a cool app, a better website, a new interface architecture; it’s a stroke of genius. Your ah-hah moment has arrived. You see the future possibilities. We’re right there with you.

Now we get down to the basics. Not to throw a damper on anything. We love innovative thinking. Customer excitement rocks our world. But in the world of successful product development, a tested, well defined, fastidiously executed process is the glue that intricately weaves success into the project. But Debby, you’re such a downer! Can’t I just get this project launched now, without all the hoops?

Yes! You sure can. Let’s start with innovation. Great. Love it. Studies show that innovation will make your product more competitive. However, it will not “make” your product. There’s a host of things that go into making your product. Two things standout: innovation and execution. Innovation will not work without execution.

Did you know that disagreeable people have higher innovation scores? They gravitate to the unknown. They are not skilled at groupthink which can stifle innovation. An innovator is not typically great at details. This is not to put anyone in a box.

So, we need both innovative thinking and those that drive towards execution and closure.

What are the necessary ingredients for successful product development? On goes the execution hat while the innovator holds his/her breath.

  1. Requirement document
  2. Conceptual design
  3. Detailed design
  4. Design verification
  5. Pilot production
  6. Production
  7. Post-production
  8. Analysis and reporting feedback

See? It’s that simple!

product launch, innovation, execution